Saturday, 31 October 2015

Happy Halloween - From A Revert's Point of View!

Happy Halloween!

October the 31st has always been my favourite day of the year! There's something so exciting yet peaceful about it. Last Halloween I wasn't Muslim. However, now that I am, I've found myself questioning whether or not I should still celebrate Halloween, due to its dark nature. That said, on Halloween Devils and Ghosts and all other evil creatures are said to be allowed to walk the Earth tonight to do us harm. We dress up to disguise ourselves as one of them and stay safe. I absolutely love that - to me that is nothing but positive. And so long as Halloween's origin stays the same, I will continue to love it as I do!

EDIT: After publishing this post on Halloween I received quite a few messages from Muslims who were unhappy that I was 'encouraging its celebration'. I have to say, some of the responses I received were fairly rude and took my post way out of context. Apparently I was encouraging the worship of Devils. I'm sure the vast majority of readers could appreciate I was suggesting no such thing and it saddens me that people can't offer opinions freely without being accused of the Ridiculous.

I never said Islam accepted Halloween, and nor do I think for one second that Islam should accept Halloween! I chose to follow Islam due to the true beauty of it's Pure message. I think, other Muslims could learn to appreciate that Muslim Reverts were raised from birth with (usually) very different values and customs. I only reverted 6 months ago, and although I absolutely know my Right from Wrong, some things (such as Halloween) will naturally hold a special place in my heart for reasons you may not understand. Involving myself in Halloween celebrations may well be against Islam, but why is it that people seem to almost enjoy persecuting me for the things I should NOT be doing, rather than offering guidance in a kind and positive way. Also, if or when I see another Muslim doing something un-Islamic, I turn and ask myself what I could be doing better before I open my mouth.


This is one of the reasons I am working on The Revert Project - I'm writing a book to provide Muslim Reverts with a voice! Insha'Allah!

Have a beautiful day all!

The Aurora Project

Friday, 16 October 2015

We're Now Selling on Etsy!

Visit Our New Islamic Gift Shop.

The Aurora Project Etsy

Hello all, I hope you're well!

I'm very excited to announce that we have now opened our very own Etsy store! Now you can shop in two places - either visit our Personal Online Islamic Gifts Store
Or visit our online Etsy shop (!

I absolutely love Etsy! It's such a vibrant online community - Artists show each other lots of support and there is a lovely sense of welcome-ness for newbies :)

I used to sell on Etsy a few years ago whilst I was at University. I loved it! So I'm back :)

The Aurora Project Etsy

The Aurora Project

Saturday, 10 October 2015

Calling all Muslim Reverts - Get Involved!


Are you a Muslim Revert? Do you know someone who is? Are you thinking of reverting? If so, Brilliant and Alhamdulillah! I'm working on an exciting new project and I'd absolutely love for you to get in touch!

I'm currently conducting research for a refreshing new book that will promote Islam in the positive light it so deserves! InshaAllah (God willing). I want to compile a series of short stories, including my own, to create a book that is available worldwide.

Here's an Overview of what I aim to achieve:


Aims: To create and publish a book of short stories based on the accounts of Muslim reverts from around the world. Many non-Muslims have a negative opinion of Islam based on the portrayal of Muslims in the media. The aim of this book is to highlight the positive aspects of Islam that lead individuals to revert. Also, this book will be designed to provide reverts like myself with a voice. As the transition from our old lives can be quite a challenge, I aim to find out what we can do as Muslims to provide the help and support they need.

So, Reverts! If you'd like to share your story, thoughts and feelings with the world, please do get in touch and I will send you further information via email!

Many thanks in advance!

Contact me via or please use the Contact Form (see main menu).

The Aurora Project


Perfect Gift for New Muslims

The Shahada Gift Set

I'm very excited to introduce our new unique Islamic gift set - EXCLUSIVE to The Aurora Project.

The Shahada Gift Set makes the absolute, complete perfect gift for a new Muslim. When I reverted (Alhamdulillah) I was gifted with some of the most beautiful Muslim essentials to get my faith off to a great start. I was so grateful and pleased with everything I received and I wanted to create a gift set that created the same feeling of joy for other new Muslims. It can be quite scary and daunting at the beginning but the right tools, like a prayer mat, can make all the difference! InshaAllah!

What's included?

  • Exclusive 10x8" Shahada Canvas - Hand Painted and embellished by myself.
  • Beautiful Hijab - for females!
  • Mosque Hat - for males!
  • Prayer Mat - (Musallah)
Also included for FREE! 

  • Gorgeous 99-bead Glass Tasbih (Prayer beads)

Tasbih are included as a special gift from myself - at no extra cost!

All the essentials, beautifully presented in one perfect gift set.

Worth £48 but this stunning Shahada Gift Set is currently available for an amazing £30!

My Mom is Christian and when I showed her this new gift set she said "Kelly that's beautiful - I would definitely buy that if I was Muslim".

That meant a lot to me and MashaAllah it brought me so much joy! To spread the beauty of Islam was the absolute reason I started The Aurora Project!

Available to purchase through our online Gift Store.  Please see the 'Shop' link in the top menu!

The Aurora Project

Living my life like it's Golden!

"Living my life likes it's Golden" - In the famous words of Jill Scott.

Listening to the lyrics in her song I came to realise something that I should have known all along!

Life is Precious! - Live it with due care and attention.
Life is Valuable! - Look around, how many people wish they had what you do? Don't fret over things you don't have - thank Allah (swt) for everything you do have! Say Alhamdulillah and help someone in need!
Life is Sparkly! - Everyday may not be a good day, but there is something good in every day! What sparkled today?
Life is a Gift! - It may not seem like it right now, but you are lucky! You have been blessed. Blessed with the greatest gift of all - Life!

Life is Golden! Live it like it is!

SubhanAllah x

The Aurora Project

Saturday, 3 October 2015

Alhamdulillah - Thank you for showing me Islam!

People often ask me how or why I became Muslim. Of course, I chose Islam because I truly agreed with the teachings of the Quran. But there's another reason.

I'm Muslim because the best person I have ever met in my life was Muslim. Their kindness and beautiful nature inspired me like nothing else. I wanted to be just like them! They were this way because of how they were raised - as a Muslim. I reverted and then I Married that person! Alhamdulillah I thank Allah (swt) for placing this person in my life and for guiding me when I was lost.

Alhamdulillah print, available in our online Islamic Gift Store.

The Aurora Project

How would you feel if you died and found there was no Hereafter?

An atheist once asked Ahmed Deedat, "How would you feel if you died and discovered the Hereafter was a lie?"

To that Ahmed Deedat replied, "Not worse than if I died and discovered the Hereafter is the truth."

I stumbled across this magnificent quote for the first time on Instagram. I found it so powerful and thought-provoking that I reached out to the girl who had it written in her bio and asked her about it. She told me it was said by Ahmed Deedat. I hadn't heard of him before (I'm not sure how terrible that is - but my excuse is that I'm a newbie!). Upon Googling him, I found he was a Muslim writer from South Africa. A Muslim writer from South Africa, who in my eyes, summed up religion in one reply.

Growing up, I always felt there simply had to be a REASON for life - nothing else made sense. Studying mainly science subjects through school, sixth form and university, I found myself in a lot of debates about science and religion. I was raised as a Christian and the hardcore scientists were mostly atheists. They believed in the Big Bang. There was no God and certainly no afterlife. They thought this way because their scientifically-driven minds required proof or evidence of pretty much anything anyone claimed. I, on the other hand, chose to believe that science was simply the art of understanding what God created.

Although I mentioned I was raised as a Christian, we weren't a practicing family. We just had good Christian morals instilled in us. It was simple; do to others as you wish to be done to you. When I was 23, my life changed and I began to read into Islam. Everything I read, I loved. I agreed with everything and felt I'd found the answers I'd been looking for all this time! Alhamdulillah (Praise be to God). However, as I was going through such a change in mindset, hundreds of questions would circle round my head and I'd almost get into arguments with myself! A part of me would think 'what if none of this is true? Yes it's beautiful, but what if it's all made up? As humans we make up wonderful things to make life better - like Father Christmas and the Tooth Fairy - what if God isn't real too?' It's hard to admit I was thinking this, but it's honest and it's the truth. I remember reading a small leaflet type book called 'Three reasons God is real' and that gave me the final push I needed, to believe. I only needed to read the first reason, and that reason was simply written as WHY. WHY are we here if Allah (swt) did not put us here. WHY does the sun shine? WHY is there a moon? WHY do humans and animals procreate? WHY WHY WHY? That's all I needed. Nothing else makes sense and it's the one question science does not have answer to.

Speaking of answers, let's return to the reason I'm writing this post - Ahmed Deedat's answer to an atheist's question. I believe everyone is entitled to believe what they so choose. Allah (swt) the Almighty even said, 'There is no compulsion in religion'. However, I am happy to be Muslim, regardless of what 'lack of evidence' there is of God or the Hereafter. Islam promotes kindness, education and love and to be honest a life without any of those things isn't much of a life. I will lose absolutely nothing living my life as a Muslim and feel I can only gain.

If I died and found the Hereafter was a lie, I would smile and be at peace. I could not regret living my life as a Muslim - I could not regret living a life full of giving, full of kindness and patience. I will have lost absolutely nothing.



One more thing to ask yourselves...

What would be worse? Living the best life religiously, as the kindest person - only to find it won't be rewarded with Jannah (Heaven) as it doesn't exist?

Or living a life full of evil with no religion, to find HELL really does exist?

I don't just want to be good to InshaAllah reach Jannah - I couldn't do bad things in life because of my fear of hell.

What are your thoughts?

The Aurora Project

Friday, 2 October 2015

New Piece - Shahada - Hand Painted Islamic Canvas

لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله

lā ʾilāha ʾillā-llāh, muḥammadur rasūlu-llāh

"There is no god but Allah (swt). Muhammad (pbuh) is the messenger of God".

The Shahada - making up one of the glorious five pillars of Islam. I cried when I recited it for the first time in April. SubhanAllah!

NEW design I've been working on. Hand Painted with acrylics on a 10x8" canvas.

NOW AVAILABLE in our online Islamic Gift Store!

Above is the WIP (Work In Progress). I really enjoyed designing this piece!

The Aurora Project


Please Do Not Shun Us - InshAllah Guide us!

A short while ago, I stumbled across an Instagram debate on a @muslimsoftheworld1 post that I found quite disappointing.

You may have already read it yourself, but for those who haven’t seen, the debate centered around a Revert who openly displayed her tattoos and discussed her sexuality. Now, I don’t know this girl, but from the little I have read, yes her actions seem haram. That said, the abuse that she received in response to her beautiful post about Ramadan was shocking.

Many Muslims totally disregarded her inspiring post to pretty much shun her from Islam due to her tattoos/sexuality. This is something I do not agree with. How would you feel if your cruel words caused a revert to leave Islam? Surely this would not please Allah (swt)? As a new Muslim myself, I understand how difficult it can be to leave haram aspects of life in your past. However, InshaAllah with the right guidance from fellow Muslims or books we are able to overcome the transition and learn the right ways of Islam. Abuse is not needed and comes from those who do not posses the knowledge to help change someone’s future for the better and please Allah (swt).

Alhamdulillah I have received so much help and kindness and it makes me want to try so much harder, to repay those who’ve helped me. All I would say is, instead of shunning your brothers or sisters (especially reverts who are leaving a haram past behind), use your many years-worth of knowledge to GUIDE and HELP. There are many things I could do better – and so I’m working on those first before I even think about judging someone else. I think to myself – what would our Prophet Muhammad (saw) do?

Salaams and Jummah Mubarak!

The Aurora Project

5.972×10^24Kg To Make You Think

Last night on the news, I watched Hungary throw up its borders against those travelling there for safety from their warring home countries. A woman and her children were the first to be turned away. She was told to walk 2 more miles (she’d already walked 16 that day) to a registration office.

‘That’s terrible’ I thought. “What’s happening in the world right now?” I asked my husband, “Like, what’s happening in Syria? Why are they fighting?”. Like me, he was ashamed of not knowing.

Today at work, I took to Google and searched ‘What-is-happening-in-Syria’. I found a post from 2013. It was two years old but it did have what seemed like a clear outline of why Syria’s civil war began. After doing more research, I was upset to find that there didn’t seem to be an end in sight.

I realised I didn’t really know where Syria actually was. Who it’s neighbouring countries were etc. Ashamed again, I went back to Google and brought up the World Map and searched for Syria. Found it! A fairly large country, surrounded by Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey. I zoomed out to look at the entire world and I don’t know why, but it hit me!

The World is a H U G E place. Like seriously, shockingly, saddening-ly huge. I looked at the UK. How small and vulnerable my home country is. Look at the size of Russia – one of Syria’s allies I read! I looked just below Russia – Kazakhstan! Where the hell is Kazakhstan – and who lives there!? I searched for images and was so shocked to see magnificent scenery and vibrant modern architecture. Why do you never here of this place?! As I zoomed out on the world it was also like I zoomed out of my own life too. I could almost imagine myself as a tiny pathetic spec somewhere in the middle of England.

It hurts when I think about what is happening in Syria. But then it’s awful what is happening in Gaza! In Iraq, In America! Terrible things happen here in the UK too. Then I think about how I feel when something in my life doesn’t go to plan! I feel awful. And isn’t that AWFUL. I complain because I think I’ve been treated unfairly. I get sad when I think Allah (swt) has burdened me with too much. I get frustrated about small, stupid things that I have no control over. I feel a w f u l just thinking about how I react to trivial things.

I can’t change the world. I can’t make everyone good. But I can make myself good. I can wake up every morning and I can ask myself what I can do today to make the world a little better. How can I help someone else? I can’t end the Syrian war but I can help someone who is warring with themself, for example.

Let’s all be better people and do more good. You’re probably already kind, but be kinder! What can you give to help heal the world one person at a time?

And for the people who aren’t nice back to you – well that’s their own problem! What they need to do is zoom out on their life too to gain a bit of perspective!

No matter what we try to be in the world – we will always be ONE. One person, leading one life with one fate. We are one as a whole but we will always be one alone too. One in about 7 billion. One in 5.972×10-to-the-power-24-kg. That’s how big the earth is. And we’re just one!

The Aurora Project

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