Happy Halloween!
October the 31st has always been my favourite day of the year! There's something so exciting yet peaceful about it. Last Halloween I wasn't Muslim. However, now that I am, I've found myself questioning whether or not I should still celebrate Halloween, due to its dark nature. That said, on Halloween Devils and Ghosts and all other evil creatures are said to be allowed to walk the Earth tonight to do us harm. We dress up to disguise ourselves as one of them and stay safe. I absolutely love that - to me that is nothing but positive. And so long as Halloween's origin stays the same, I will continue to love it as I do!
EDIT: After publishing this post on Halloween I received quite a few messages from Muslims who were unhappy that I was 'encouraging its celebration'. I have to say, some of the responses I received were fairly rude and took my post way out of context. Apparently I was encouraging the worship of Devils. I'm sure the vast majority of readers could appreciate I was suggesting no such thing and it saddens me that people can't offer opinions freely without being accused of the Ridiculous.
I never said Islam accepted Halloween, and nor do I think for one second that Islam should accept Halloween! I chose to follow Islam due to the true beauty of it's Pure message. I think, other Muslims could learn to appreciate that Muslim Reverts were raised from birth with (usually) very different values and customs. I only reverted 6 months ago, and although I absolutely know my Right from Wrong, some things (such as Halloween) will naturally hold a special place in my heart for reasons you may not understand. Involving myself in Halloween celebrations may well be against Islam, but why is it that people seem to almost enjoy persecuting me for the things I should NOT be doing, rather than offering guidance in a kind and positive way. Also, if or when I see another Muslim doing something un-Islamic, I turn and ask myself what I could be doing better before I open my mouth.
This is one of the reasons I am working on The Revert Project - I'm writing a book to provide Muslim Reverts with a voice! Insha'Allah!
Have a beautiful day all!
The Aurora Project