Calling all Muslim Reverts!
Are you a Muslim Revert? Do you know someone who is? Are you thinking of reverting? If so, Brilliant and Alhamdulillah! I'm working on an exciting new project and I'd absolutely love for you to get in touch!I'm currently conducting research for a refreshing new book that will promote Islam in the positive light it so deserves! InshaAllah (God willing). I want to compile a series of short stories, including my own, to create a book that is available worldwide.
Here's an Overview of what I aim to achieve:
The Revert Project
Aims: To create and publish a book of short stories based on the accounts of Muslim reverts from around the world. Many non-Muslims have a negative opinion of Islam based on the portrayal of Muslims in the media. The aim of this book is to highlight the positive aspects of Islam that lead individuals to revert. Also, this book will be designed to provide reverts like myself with a voice. As the transition from our old lives can be quite a challenge, I aim to find out what we can do as Muslims to provide the help and support they need.So, Reverts! If you'd like to share your story, thoughts and feelings with the world, please do get in touch and I will send you further information via email!
Many thanks in advance!
Contact me via info@theauroraproject.co.uk or please use the Contact Form (see main menu).
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