"Living my life likes it's Golden" - In the famous words of Jill Scott.
Listening to the lyrics in her song I came to realise something that I should have known all along!
Life is Precious! - Live it with due care and attention.
Life is Valuable! - Look around, how many people wish they had what you do? Don't fret over things you don't have - thank Allah (swt) for everything you do have! Say Alhamdulillah and help someone in need!
Life is Sparkly! - Everyday may not be a good day, but there is something good in every day! What sparkled today?
Life is a Gift! - It may not seem like it right now, but you are lucky! You have been blessed. Blessed with the greatest gift of all - Life!
Life is Golden! Live it like it is!
SubhanAllah x
The Aurora Project
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