A short while ago, I stumbled across an Instagram debate on a @muslimsoftheworld1 post that I found quite disappointing.
You may have already read it yourself, but for those who haven’t seen, the debate centered around a Revert who openly displayed her tattoos and discussed her sexuality. Now, I don’t know this girl, but from the little I have read, yes her actions seem haram. That said, the abuse that she received in response to her beautiful post about Ramadan was shocking.
Many Muslims totally disregarded her inspiring post to pretty much shun her from Islam due to her tattoos/sexuality. This is something I do not agree with. How would you feel if your cruel words caused a revert to leave Islam? Surely this would not please Allah (swt)? As a new Muslim myself, I understand how difficult it can be to leave haram aspects of life in your past. However, InshaAllah with the right guidance from fellow Muslims or books we are able to overcome the transition and learn the right ways of Islam. Abuse is not needed and comes from those who do not posses the knowledge to help change someone’s future for the better and please Allah (swt).
Alhamdulillah I have received so much help and kindness and it makes me want to try so much harder, to repay those who’ve helped me. All I would say is, instead of shunning your brothers or sisters (especially reverts who are leaving a haram past behind), use your many years-worth of knowledge to GUIDE and HELP. There are many things I could do better – and so I’m working on those first before I even think about judging someone else. I think to myself – what would our Prophet Muhammad (saw) do?
Salaams and Jummah Mubarak!
The Aurora Project
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