Saturday 21 November 2015

Religion in a Nutshell - A Truly Amazing Quote by Carl Sagan

"We contemplate our origins like stardust pondering the stars" - Carl Sagan.

What a truly beautiful, magical quote! We question how and why we're here as though the answers haven't already been written. They are written. In the books of Religion. Yes, I reverted to Islam, because for me, it's writings, explanations and teaching are so pure (MashaAllah). We're here because Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala placed us here. There is no compulsion in religion, but He asked us to pray to Him, to follow Him to gain entry into the next life. For me, nothing else made sense. We ask why O why are we here? And I found the answers in the Quran. 

I totally appreciate science, but for me, there is no denying that we were placed here by God. 

Although Carl Sagan was a Scientist (and from what I read, didn't really agree with religion as such, I feel this quote sums up all religion perfectly! 

What do you think?

The Aurora Project

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